How to Name Your Podcast

The podcast content industry has seen tremendous growth in recent years. The number of podcast listeners in the U.S. was 75 million in 2018, according to research findings published by Statista. The latest edition of the Edison Research Infinite Dial revealed that the number reached 155 million in 2020. The report also indicates that podcasts reached over 100 million people monthly.

As podcasting goes mainstream, now, more than ever is the best time to jump on the bandwagon and start a podcast show. But before you get down to it, you have to come up with a name for your podcast.

Your podcast’s name is the first thing people will come across when you post audio content online. It’s one of those things that can make or break your online presence, so you have to choose yours carefully.

Come up with as many potential podcast names as you can

Great ideas are born out of brainstorming sessions, and naming a new podcast is no exception. Grab a notebook and a pen and create a list of whatever names you’re considering for your podcast.

You don’t have to write everything down in a rush. Take time to scribble down as many words and phrases as you can. At this stage, you shouldn’t think too much about what’s coming out of the list. If a title sounds right at first blush, it’s worth considering.

Refine your list

If your list of potential podcast titles is too long, you’ll need to shorten it. There’s no general rule on how many titles to have on your list.

Just make sure the good ones remain on that list once you’ve let everything sink in.

Do your homework

Choosing a podcast title that already exists out there can be confusing to your target audience. Aim for a title that’s unique to your podcast. Run the titles in your list through podcast directories, such as Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes), Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and Spotify, one by one. This will help you cancel titles that other shows already use.

Social media is a powerful marketing tool in today’s digital landscape. If you intend to harness the power of social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and LinkedIn to promote your podcast show, it’s important to check if the social handle that you’ll use is available.

You don’t need an exact match social handle for your podcast name, but the handle should closely relate to it. It’s also important to use the same handle for your podcast. This will allow listeners across all social media platforms to find you easily.

Do your research to avoid stepping on the toes of other podcasters, and to help ensure you can be found in search engines.

Choose a name that flows smoothly

Some podcasters have great content but miss out on the opportunity to expand their podcast audience because they chose a name that doesn’t go down well with the audience. Title length and diction are two factors that may make people not receive your podcast well.

The maximum length for podcast titles is limited to 255 characters but the shorter the better, generally speaking. Keeping your title short and sweet will encourage your target listeners to click on your podcast and skip the rest.

In addition to social media, podcasts heavily rely on word of mouth marketing to reach the intended audience. Ambiguously spelled or pronounced show names can make it difficult for people to find your podcast, so be sure to choose a name that is easy to pronounce and search correctly.

Ask your target audience what they think

You’re not creating a podcast show for yourself. You’re creating it with a specific group of listeners in mind, and what they think about your podcast title counts.

Before settling on a particular name, find out what potential listeners think about it. Suppose you’re starting a travel podcast show titled “Discover the World with Dave” to inform adventure enthusiasts about the top travel destinations around the world.

When you ask someone who works at a local travel agency what they think about your title, they guess that your podcast is about scientific discoveries.

With this feedback in mind, you can tweak your podcast name to make it more specific. For example, you can modify the name to read “Travel around the World with Dave” to indicate that your show focuses on travel topics.

The key takeaway here is to be as clear and specific as possible.

Choose Your Podcast Name and Start Creating Your Podcast Today

Coming up with a name for your podcast can be an overwhelming task but that needn’t be so. The above guide should help you choose the right podcast name and position you for podcasting success.

All the best as you venture into the world of podcasting!

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