Add Text To Video

Add text to your video online, choose from more than 1000+ fonts, colors, and styles.

Echowave is used by thousands of businesses around the world

How to add text to a video?

To add text to your video, follow these three simple steps:

  1. 1. Upload Video

    Start by uploading your video file into the EchoWave editor. Our tool supports a wide variety of video formats for your convenience.

    Upload Icon
  2. 2. Add Text

    Choose the 'Add Text' option from the toolbar. Customize your text with our array of fonts, sizes, and colors. You can also adjust the text position and duration.

  3. 3. Download Video

    After customizing your text, preview your video to make sure it's perfect. Once you're satisfied, click on 'Save' and export your video in the desired format.

Supercharge Your Videos with EchoWave

EchoWave's text-to-video tool is designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind. It is built to serve both beginners and professionals, allowing them to create captivating video content without any need for complex video editing skills.

The user interface is intuitive and straightforward. It provides you with all the necessary tools at your fingertips to make the process of adding text to videos as seamless as possible. EchoWave offers you the freedom to customize your text extensively, ensuring your video content is both unique and engaging.

You can overlay text, change its font, colour, style. Upload a video and then drag a text template on top of it to get started. You can add a title, regular text, or cursive font.

1000+ Fonts

All Google Fonts are available to give you a wide range of font choices. Choose the one you want from the drop-down menu (in multiple weight variations). Using the design kit on our business plan, you can upload custom fonts that fit your brand and make a unique style.

Boosts Accessibility

Adding text or subtitles can make your video more accessible to people with hearing impairments or those watching without audio.

Animated Titles

Our Text animations can make your videos more eye catching. Choose from our great collection of ready-to-use text animations, including typewriter, swipe, popup and fade in.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to add text to a YouTube video?

You can burn text into your videos using an online video editor such as EchoWave, allowing them to be seen on all platforms, including YouTube.

Can I use custom fonts?

Yes, You can select from one of our pre-installed font's or upload your own if you are on our business plan.

Can I add text to any part of the video?

Yes, EchoWave allows you to add text at any point in your video and customize its duration.

What video formats does EchoWave support?

EchoWave supports a wide range of video formats, including MP4, MOV, AVI, and many more.

Can I customize the appearance of my text?

Absolutely! EchoWave offers a wide variety of customization options, including font type, size, color, and position.

Can I add multiple text elements in a single video?

Yes, EchoWave allows you to add multiple separate text elements in your video.

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