How to upload a podcast to YouTube
You cannot upload your podcast directly to YouTub, however you can convert your podcast into a video to upload.

How to upload a podcast to YouTube Features

Convert your Podcast to a YouTube Video
Convert your podcast into a YouTube video.
1. Upload Your Audio
To begin with, you'll want to upload your audio file. Our tool works with pretty much all audio file types, so you can rest assured that whatever sound you have at hand, we can use it for you.
2. Add a background art to the video
Choose a catchy thumbnail image for your video and the background of your video.
3. Upload to YouTube
Automatically post the Video to YouTube using our integration, or the Creator Studio.
Podcasts start when you have a digital audio file with content, usually someone talking about a topic or group of people discussing a subject or an interview-style of setting with QA. Only having digital audio files with some content online does not make it a Podcast. To turn your recorded sound content into a Podcast you need a podcast content hosting server.
Some people might think podcasting is for people with techie mindset, this might have been true in the past when internet speed was super slow (dial-up anyone), but we have moved on exponentially since then. Anyone with the internet can now stream audio files and subscribe to a podcast, which is a good thing but at the same time, more and more podcasts are being uploaded, because of this you might find it hard to be noticed by your audience.
As the market grows and more contents are easily available, standing out in the crowd becomes an important strategy. Uploading your audio file onto a stander hosting site might not give you the extra edge you need to reach out to your audience.
So the next natural step would be to set up a social network ( Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on..) account and share your link, updates and build an audience that way.
Why stop there? You can also create a cool audiogram of your podcast, reach out to more audience by sharing your audiogram on YouTube by turning your audio file into a video with background image and wave animation.
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